Alcuni utenti stanno avendo problemi con la ricerca di Windows 10 (barra in basso a sx del desktop). Il problema può essere risolto disabilitando Bing Search.
Per risolvere:
1 - Hit the Windows Key + R shortcut on your keyboard.
2 - Type regedit and hit Enter on your keyboard.
3 - Double-click HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
4 - Double-click SOFTWARE.
5 - Double-click Microsoft.
6 - Double-click Windows.
7 - Double-click CurrentVersion.
8 - Double-click Search.
9 - Right-click the right pane of the RegEdit window to bring up the menu.
10 - Click New.
11 - Click D-WORD (32-bit) Value.
12 - Type BingSearchEnabled and hit Enter on your keyboard.
13 - Double-click the BingSearchEnabled entry you just created.
14 - Type 0 in the Value data field. (It should already be 0 but make sure).
15 - Click OK.
16 - Double-click CortanaConsent.
17 - Type 0 in the data field. (It should also already be 0 but make sure).
18 - Click OK.
19 - Restart your PC.